Mounting an ISO- Windows 8 or higher

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Mounting an Image in Windows 8:

1. Locate your ISO File on your computer.

the iso file on a computer.

2. Right click the file and select Properties from the context menu, the last option listed.

the properties command in the right click context menu.

3. Press Change near the top of the window that appears. (To open your ISO with Windows explorer).

The properties window of the ISO file.

4. Select Windows Explorer on the pop up screen.

the windows explorer option highlighted

5. Press OK at the bottom of the window.

the OK option on the ISO file properties window.

6. Right click on the file again and select Mount, the first option listed.

the mount command on the right click context window

7. The file is now mounted and available on your computer. You can now run the setup application of your program.

   NOTE: Your virtual drives are deleted once you restart your computer. 

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