WebStorm: Installation Instruction (Mac)

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

To Install WebStorm on a Mac OS X Operating System:

1. Go to the WebStorm website to download the WebStorm software. (Before beginning, you will need to Sign Up for an Educational Account.)

2. Select OS X, click Download, and select your download location.

WebStorm download options

3. After the download is complete, open the file from the selected download location.

Selected download file

4. In the WebStorm window, drag the WebStorm icon in the Applications folder.

Drag WebStorm icon

5. In the Applications folder, double-click the WebStorm icon.

Webstorm Icon in application folder

6. In the window that appears, click Open.

Webstorm install window

7. In the Complete Installation window, select the second option, and click OK.

The complete installation window

8. In the Privacy Policy Agreement window, click Accept.

The Privacy Policy window

9. In the License Activation window, click Evaluate for free, and click Evaluate.

The License Activation window

10. In the License Agreement for WebStorm window, click Accept.

The license agreement for webstorm

11. In the Initial Configuration window, select your desired options from the dropdown lists, and click OK.

The initial configuration window

12. The WebStorm window will open, and you can begin using the software.

The webstorm welcome window

Referenced from: JetBrains

7/24/2023 12:46:36 PM