LSU Library: DLNP: Search Tips & Help

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Access to the digitized Louisiana newspapers is provided by the Library of Congress's Chronicling America database. Chronicling America provides access to newspapers from over 30 states. To browse or search Louisiana newspaper titles, "Louisiana" must be selected from the state list on the search screen and/or one or more Louisiana newspaper titles must be selected from the title list. Specific years or data ranges can also be selected to limit your search. See examples of these search options below as well as a keyword sample search.

To Access Search Tips & Help through DLNP

1. Navigate to the Digitizing Louisiana Newspapers Project web page.

2. Under the DLNP Resources category on the left side of the page, select Search Tips & Help.

Search Tips & Help option in the left sidebar

3. The Search Tips & Help page should come up. This page goes into detail about how to use Advanced Search.

Search Tips & Help page

4. Further down, you can find information about using Keyword Sample Search.

Keyword sample search helper guide on LSU Library DLNP tips


Referenced from: LSU Libraries

4/24/2024 12:39:06 PM