myLSU Portal: Checking Course Offerings

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.


If you are using a mobile device to access the myLSU portal, you may need to rotate your phone to landscape mode to access the menu.

The following is a guide to checking the course offerings of the current semester and previous semesters.

1. Log into the myLSU Portal (

2. Select Registration Services | Registration Information from the panel on the left-hand side of the screen.

Registration Information under Registration Services

3. Open the Courses link under the Course Offerings section.

the Courses selection window under course offerings in mylsu

4. Choose the Semester/Year and the Departments desired.

 the Semester/ Year window to see specific course offerings

5. When the semester and department is selected, select the Display Course button to the right of the screen.
the Display Courses button.

6. A list of available courses will appear.
The results will show, from left to right:
1. Number of available seats in the class.
2. The enrollment count.
3. The course abbreviation and its number.
4. The course type.
5. The section number of the class.
6. The title of the course and the number of credit hours.
7. The time slot for course.
8. The days the course is being offered.
9. The room number and building.
10. The special enrollment requirements.
11. The instructor of the course.
the accounting page (an example).

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